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Our Students Deserve a Brighter Future

A teacher herself, Brittney understands the struggles our students face on a daily basis. Poverty, hunger, homelessness, foster care, addiction, mental health issues, incarcerated family members - all of these problems are at the forefront of the minds of educators and parents, but on the back burner for our current administration.

Brittney was heavily involved in the teacher strikes and has continued to work with union members, community members and other organizations to make education a priority for our legislators. She knows that the path to a bright future begins with a quality education. Our students need advocates that push for wraparound services to protect their mental and physical well-being; funding for secondary education cooperation and trade schools; smaller class sizes to improve learning outcomes; and a permanent classroom teacher, not a substitute filling yet another vacancy.

Our students are our future - will we fight to ensure they have one?

Education: Issues
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